Thursday, 17 October 2013

Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013

Fox News recently reported, “Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013,” publishing dramatic before and after satellite images of Earth’s Arctic region.1 How could ice increase if man-made industrial emissions—which have not appreciably diminished of late—continue to heat the earth, melt glaciers, and kill polar bears? Scientists are producing conflicting predictions from the same available climate data—what pieces might their models be missing?

A technical comment published in Nature Climate Change shows that the actual warming trend from 1993 to 2012 was “significantly slower” than predictions from climate models.2 The authors also reported that Earth’s global temperature warmed from 1998 to 2012 by 0.05°C up to 0.08°C. During this timespan, the overall trend actually stayed within the error margin, so there has been close to zero temperature change in the last decade and a half.

But climate reports—and predictions—vary widely.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their 2013 report, fingering man-made greenhouse gas emissions as the “very likely” causative agent in what, to them, has been a clear warming trend. Although they did acknowledge the apparent halt in global warming over the last 15 years, they predict that “Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming.”3

Conversely, the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) released a 2013 brief arguing that, since the warming trend essentially stopped in 1997 and greenhouse emissions like the “8% increase in atmospheric CO2″ have not stopped, “no close correlation exists between temperature variation over the past 150 years and human related CO2 emissions.”4….


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