Failed 2000 presidential candidate Al Gore used his latest 24-hour TV marathon highlighting the dangers of global warming to promote taxing carbon dioxide emissions as a way to stem rising global temperatures.
However, Gore's global warming hysteria is leaving many observers cold, especially given the former vice president's long record of wrong predictions of eco-catastrophe. One meteorologist took to Twitter to criticize Gore's global warming marathon for being a "bizarre" platform
solely used to promote taxing carbon.
Bizarre rehearsed talk-show format going on w/Al Gore. 100% of content is about instituting carbon tax. Nothing else.
- Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) October 22, 2013
Gore's Climate Reality Project ran the 24-hour TV marathon event called the odd extravaganza: "24 Hours of Reality - The Cost of Carbon."
A carbon tax has been tossed around by Democrats and a select few on the right as a way to ease environmental regulations and offset other taxes. However, most conservatives and virtually all congressional Republicans oppose the economically devastating idea.
However, California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer has promised to push a carbon tax as part of larger comprehensive tax reforms efforts. Under former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Golden State adopted a carbon emissions tax in 2006.
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