New IPCC Report Is Bull!
They call us skeptics, they even call us climate murderers claiming we are responsible for the death of thousands, yet we have our evidence to support global cooling theory.... where's your global warming evidence??? We are not skeptics we are real scientists with real data. People can tell when their being fed bullsh*t. But guys, I fear we are just banging our heads against a brick wall! The fact of the matter is, there are more politicians than us scientists.
The IPCC report has been a long time coming. But then the fifth assessment of the state of the global climate by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body, was a behemoth of an undertaking. It runs to thousands of pages, involved hundreds of scientists and was exhaustively checked and triple-checked by hundredds of other boffins and government officials to whom they report— and whose policies are often based on what they read. So, all the real science by this point is now deleted! The first tranche of the multi-volume report—an executive summary of the physical science—was released in Stockholm on September 27th. And it is categorical in its conclusion: climate change has not stopped and man is the main cause even though the latest real developments tell us there has been no warming in 16 years.
It may be the last report of its kind: a growing chorus of "experts".......who? thinks a more frequent, less bally-hooed and more up-to-date assessments would be more useful. It is certainly the first since negotiations for a global treaty reining in carbon emissions collapsed in Copenhagen in 2009; the first since questions were raised about the integrity of the IPCC itself following mistaken claims about the speed of glacier melt in the Himalayas and, most important, the first since evidence became incontrovertible that global surface air temperatures have risen much less quickly in the past 15 years than the IPCC had expected. A lot is riding on its findings, from the public credibility of climate science to the chances of a new global treaty.
Facts that destroy Global Warming theory and things you have forgotten!
• C02 is a green gas, vegetation inhales C02 and releases oxygen (the great balance of life.)
• August 2013 see a 60% increase in arctic sea ice.
• 0.3 of the atmosphere is C02 (a trace gas) that's right all this global warming stuff is based on a trace gas. Of this 0.3 only 0.2 is put there by mankind.
• C02 in the atmosphere acts more like a mirror than a duvet reflecting extra radiation back out into space, cooling the world.
• There are more politicians involved with global warming than scientists.
• All this non-sense was started by Al Gore for money.
• Remember when this lie first showed it's ugly head we was led to believe that shutting our house lights off will slow global based on what science exactly?
• Al Gore said that 2013 will see the end to snow forever.
• No matter what happens our governments will blame us and increase taxes.
• This lie will kill millions.
More follows.....
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