Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Monsoon death toll went up to 50 in HP : CM

Monsoon death toll went up to 50 in HP : CM

 As many as 50 persons have lost their lives in the state till date in current monsoon season. This written statement was tabled in the house today by Chief Minsiter Virbhadra Singh.

Amid opposition protests seeking adjournment motion over this matter, Mr. Singh laid this statement in the house today under rule 130.

He accepted that the situation on account of the rain caused immense damage to the life and property during the current monsoon period.

District Kinnaur reported 23 deaths. There are 7 deaths reported in Shimla district, 4 in Kangra, 5 in Sirmaur, 6 in Mandi, 3 in Kullu, 1 in Hamirpur and 1 in Chamba.

About 24,142 animals including sheep, goat, cattle and mules have perished due to excessive rainfall and snowfall.

“We experienced an early monsoon this year. From 15th to 17th June, incessant and heavy rains lashed various parts of the state coupled with cloudbursts at several places. The state experienced an unprecedented heavy rainfall, which was above the normal during these three days. Kinnaur and Sirmaur were the worst affected districts. ” he said.

Kinnaur also received untimely snow during this period at several places. Since then, heavy rains have lashed various parts of the state almost on a daily basis. As a result of this calamity, massive damage to private and public property has been reported.

Mr. Singh informed the house in brief, the extent of loss and damages caused in the state:

As many as 5287 housing structures including Pucca and Kuchha houses, cowsheds, labour sheds, shops etc. have been fully or partially damaged in various parts of the state due to landslides triggered by heavy rain and snowfall. The overall loss to private property is estimated to be about Rs 200 crores.

A total of 4377 roads in the state have been affected resulting in huge losses and disruption of normal life. The losses on this account have been assessed as Rs. 1221.45 crores.

The entire stretch of National highway from Wangtu to Sumdo has been washed away at various places. This part of the highway is maintained by BRO and has suffered a loss of about Rs. 40 crores.

The Irrigation and Public Health (IPH) schemes have also suffered extensive damages all over the state in general, and district Kinnaur in particular. Total loss to these schemes has been estimated as Rs. 256.78 crores covering 2763 schemes including 109 Flood Protection works.

There are reports of damage caused to standing Kharif crops affecting 20,573 hectare of land with a loss to the tune of Rs. 200 crores.

There has also been extensive damage to fruit crops in the district of Kinnaur and some other parts of the state. These losses have been assessed as Rs. 302 crores. The total area affected is 81,458 hectares. In addition permanent damage to 3500 hectare horticultural land valued at Rs 4.52 crores has been reported.

Electricity infrastructure too got severely damaged, especially in district Kinnaur, including operational and under construction power projects. The loss on this account has been assessed as Rs. 475 crores.

A lot of community assets in the state like, Panchayat Ghars, Mahila Mandal Bhawans, Community Centers, Village Paths etc. have been damaged resulting in a loss of over Rs.165 crores.

Total cumulative losses suffered by the state have been estimated as Rs. 2892 crores. During this calamity in the state, the government has done its best to provide immediate succor to the affected regions and people.

Informing about measures taken by the government he said that funds to the tune of Rs. 129.24 crores were released to various departments and the Deputy Commissioners to provide immediate relief and carry out restoration works.

A detailed memorandum of losses seeking liberal financial support from the National Disaster Response Funds (NDRF) has been submitted to the Government of India and a central team for assessment of losses has already visited the state from 23rd to 25th of July.

In the meantime, the state has obtained from the Government of India, the first installment of State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) to the tune of Rs. 68 crores and the state government has also released the state share of Rs. 15 crores.

The Council of Ministers in its meeting on 5th of July approved an enhanced package of compensation to the farmers affected due to the torrential rains and snowfall during this period. This package is more liberal than the norms stipulated in NDRF and SDRF.

According to Mr. Singh, the monsoon fury is still not over and therefore, the government is reviewing the situation on a daily basis and taking all required steps to deal with the emerging situation.

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