Sunday, 30 June 2013

Why should increasing volcanic activity concern us?

Look at the number of catastrophes – including intensive volcanism – that have befallen our planet in almost perfect sync with equinoctial precession during the last 34,000 years alone:

34,000 years ago
Lake Mungo (Australia) magnetic excursion. Extinction.  Short-term ice build-up, then ice age ends abruptly. Lake  Missoula flood. Lake Bonneville flood. Beryllium spike.  Intensive volcanism.  Neanderthal disappears.

23,000 years ago
Mono Lake magnetic excursion. Extinction. Ice age begins abruptly. European elephant disappears. Mammoths  clobbered. Carbon-14 spike. Beryllium spike. Major volcanism. The Mono Lake event actually straddles a layer of ash.

11,000 years ago
Gothenburg magnetic excursion. Extinction; 72% of large mammal species go extinct, only 10% of small mammal species disappear. Rapid and severe ice build-up, then ice age ends in less than 20 years. Today’s warm period begins. Spikes in carbon-14, beryllium, and many other elements. Earthquakes in Scotland, Canada, and Scandinavia. Tectonic uplift along Nile, possibly worldwide. Exposed beds south of Göteburg uplift. Sea temperatures rise 10°F to 18°F. Gulf of Mexico flood. Lake Bonneville flood. Alberta’s badlands flood. Connecticut River flood. Lake Missoula flood. St. Lawrence River flood.  Nile River flood.  Many other superfloods. Worldwide volcanism. Mexican volcanism firmly dated at 11,580 years). Germany’s West Eiffel fields erupt. Mount St. Helens ash interlayered with Lake Missoula flood deposits, indicating simultaneous events). Glacier Peak, Washington, erupts. Alaskan volcanism of tremendous proportions. In Alaska and Siberia, ash lies interspersed through the piles of mammoth bones themselves. Mt. Katla, Iceland, erupts.

And that brings us to today, a period of rising sea levels, rising lake levels, rising sea temperatures, rising seismic activity, rising volcanic activity, and the worst floods in more than 500 years.

Here we sit, with the next beat of the ice-age cycle staring us in the face, while the President of the United States prattles on about global warming.

Excerpts from Not by Fire but by Ice, p 199).

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