Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Al Gore You Pr*ck! Please Present One Piece Of Evidence That Supports C02 Driving World Temperatures.


Al Gore hopes to cross paths again with media titan Rupert Murdoch to pitch him on the dangers of climate change.

Here’s the tail end of Steve Fishman’s big new Gore profile in New York magazine:

And there’s one specific capitalist he hopes to enlighten. Gore tells me of his ambition to have another meeting with Rupert Murdoch, to talk him through the issue, convert him to the cause. “There is still hope that he will awaken to the reality of this,” Gore says. “It would make a huge difference if he would.”

Fox News, The Wall Street Journal’s editorial pages and other Murdoch-controlled outlets are skeptical of the scientific consensus on climate change and its risks.

Murdoch himself, in a 2007 speech, said climate change “poses clear, catastrophic threats.”  But more recently, via Twitter, he has addressed the topic by lauding a January 2013 Journal column about vegetation titled “how fossil fuels have greened the planet.”

Last July, Murdoch lauded the role that natural gas can play in addressing climate change. “Climate change very slow but real. So far all cures worse than disease. Shale gas huge breakthrough for US. Half carbon of coal and oil,” he said on Twitter.

The New York magazine profile recounts in detail how Gore and Murdoch met a decade ago when Gore was getting into the cable TV business, where Murdoch has been a major player.

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